Last week, Jeremy and John went golfing and left Rochelle and I home watching the kids. I use the term "watching" very loosely. Rochelle and I were downstairs enjoying some lovely conversation, when we heard a noise upstairs that didn't sound good. We ran upstairs to find Addison shaking an ENTIRE box of Kix all over the floor. No, there wasn't one morsel left in the box! She started shoving handfuls in her mouth as fast as she could, but did manage a "Sorry Mindy" in between mouthfuls. Meanwhile, Ethan was running and diving on his belly into the pile of cereal. It was pretty darn funny.
This is a copy of a post from my friend Mindy's blog. Since her blog is private I wanted to copy it to share with the rest of you. Pretty Funny!
How lucky you are that you have such good friends that even love your kids enought that when they do a ceral dump, they still talk to you!
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