My Little Moments
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Day at the Park

It was a beautiful weekend so we took the kids to Mount Trashmore. It has a huge hill that you can fly kites on and a cool wooden castle play ground. The kids thought it was pretty neat that I used to go to the same park when I was little. I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time there the next few months.

Treston first time on a swing! He loved it (of course) and didn't want to get out. After a few minutes though it put him to sleep so I thought someone else should have a turn. :)


Yaya said...

Everyone looks great. The next time you go to Mt.Trashmore how about giving the camera to John and getting some pics of you!

Unknown said...

I'll have him bring his next time. I don't think he'd be able to figure mine out. :)