My Little Moments
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our First 5k

John and I have been talking about doing a 5k together for a long time, not that we ever imagined we'd be walking it with two kids in tow. Lydia loved how everyone clapped for her as she came to the end and my very pregnant girlfriend Angie and I came in dead last with a time of 1 hour 18 minutes. Not too bad for a couple of pregnant women.

It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time.


Anonymous said... there something you care to share? I just happened to click on your little bloggie, saw you updated, read the news and you said something like, "Pretty good for a couple of pregnant women." Am I reading too much into that statement or are congrats in order????? P.S. - Were you at the Liz Logelin 5K? Gosh, I haven't talked to you in way too long. We all have to do a scrappy event again soon. Or a dinner out and movie again. TTYS! Jenny Price

Amott Family said...

I AM SO PROUD and once JJ is born you'll cut that 5K time in half!