The girls were VERY excited about all their gifts. I love the look in kid's eyes when they see their presents from Santa. It will be a sad day when they stop believing. John and I had to laugh though, Addi made a very worrisome comment about Santa. She was naming off a few things she didn't get that she would of liked to this year and said that she was going beat up Santa!!! I don't think she was serious but I'm not sure :) We're in trouble with that one.
Now that the holidays are over reality has come crashing down for the Rice house. We went to Virginia Beach this week and found a place to live. We move out on the 15th. We are actually really excited. We'll be 6 blocks from the beach and Lydia is in a really good school district. John will start his new school on Dam Neck on the 25th and will be done on the 11th of June, then who knows! :)
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